Adding ceiling height to a Room tag
On a project we needed to include the ceiling height in our Revit generated Room Data Sheet. Our Room Data Sheet is a glorified room tag.
I couldn't find anyway of doing this automatically, I presume that it would be very difficult as a room could have different ceiling heights.
The solution that we used was using a plugin from White Feet. The addin allows you to populate a parameter value from a calculated value - we created a Shared Parameter called CeilingHeight which used the calculated value of a Room's Volume/Area and parameters.
For this to work you need to have Volume computation turned on, and make sure that the room's Upperlimit is set higher than your ceiling height, if not Revit uses the Upperlimit value. The default Upperlimit is 4m, worth checking if you have an Atrium or double height room:
White feet
White feet create a set of great addin tools for Revit. The one we are going to use is the
Parameter Tools.
You will also have to create a Shared Parameter called CeilingHeight. This will be added to the template in due course.
Once you have installed the plugin, select
Parameter Tools and then select
Math Calculation:
In the Math Calculation window select the following (CeilingHeight is the Shared Parameter that you have created):
Note: the CeilingHeight value will not automatically update, you will need to run this before each issue to make sure that it contains the right data.