Friday, 22 October 2010

The fundametals

I have started to look at Mastering Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 book. Although I have read a couple fo other books on Revit - notably Mastering 2010, this book is quiet different - I personnaly like it, I have been through the first couple of chapters which have reinforced the key principles in understanding the Revit philosophy: Datum (grids, reference, and levels) Views (sections, elevations, 3d and call outs), workplanes, Project Browser (filter the view either by type, or by floor level), Interface (ribbon, navigation bar, cube).

Obviousley there is much more to Revit, for example families, but the reference datums need to be understood before creating families.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

3 months have passed

3 months have passed since my last post, it's not because I haven't been using Revit, it's just that I have forgotten to share what I have learned - which is a heinous crime.

Once you start sparring with the interface you become entuned with the secrets it holds. It is becoming obvious that to master Revit you must put in the time.

This months training is dedicated to becoming battle ready, making sure we are fully armed with a template and standards.

My other goal is update this blog at least once a week.